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How It Works

  1. Input Your Details:

    • Property Details:

      • Purchase Price: Enter the total cost of the property you are considering buying.

      • Deposit: Input the amount you plan to pay upfront.

      • Property Transfer Costs: Include any additional costs associated with purchasing the property.

      • Loan Term: Specify the duration of your mortgage in years.

      • Interest Rate: Enter the annual interest rate for your mortgage.

    • Expenses:

      • Monthly Rates and Taxes: Input your expected monthly rates and taxes.

      • Monthly Home Insurance: Enter your monthly home insurance cost.

      • Monthly Maintenance Cost: Estimate your monthly maintenance expenses.

      • Monthly Levies: Include any monthly levies applicable.

      • Annual Expense Growth Rate: Anticipate the annual increase rate of these expenses.

    • Rent Details:

      • Monthly Rent: Enter the current monthly rent you would pay.

      • Annual Rent Increase: Estimate the annual percentage increase in rent.

    • Growth Rates and Period:

      • Property Appreciation Rate: Input the expected annual appreciation rate of the property's value.

      • Investment Return Rate: Enter the annual return rate you expect from investments (if renting and investing savings).

      • Calculation Period: Specify the number of years over which you want to compare renting and buying.

  2. Calculate Results:

    • Click the "Calculate" button to process your inputs.

    • The calculator will compute and display:

      • Total Costs over the specified period for both renting and buying.

      • Equity/Investment Value at the end of the period for both options.

      • Net Financial Position for renting and buying.

      • A summary message indicating which option is financially better over the chosen period.

  3. Visualize Data:

    • A chart will display the net financial position difference between buying and renting over the years.

    • This visual aid helps you understand how the financial positions evolve annually.

Disclaimer: This Mortgage Payment Calculator is provided by Integrabond for informational purposes only. The results are estimates based on the information you input and should not be considered as financial advice or a guarantee of loan approval. Actual mortgage terms, payments, and eligibility may vary. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor or mortgage professional for personalized advice tailored to your specific circumstances. Interest rates and lending criteria are subject to change. Integrabond does not guarantee the accuracy of the calculations or their applicability to your individual situation.

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