Landlords considering letting your property? We are fully let in Turnberry and need more properties! Why us?
-We are fully compliant and have a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate (Beadica 194 CC)
-We use an up to date CPA compliant Rental Agreement
-We hold the exclusive sole mandate for all development sales in Turnberry Village and Haasendal Estate and as a result receive the most enquiries for rental purposes as well.
We own the following websites outright:
We have advertising agreements in place with:
-Private Property
-We use Matterport 3D scan technology for rental purposes
-We use a professional photographer for our photographs State of the art Technology: -We use the well known PayProp system for our rental management and collection
-Our trust account is audited annually by KPMG
-Detailed and photographed in and outgoing inspections through the Red Rabbit system
-We use TPN for tenant screening purposes Disputes
-We deal professionally with all disputes
-And offer representation (if required) at the Rental Tribunal (we havn’t lost a case up to date) Staff:
-We have dedicated, competent and friendly backoffice staff with years of experience. Last but not least we have an on-site Resident Agent (Intern) who is also a Trustee with significant knowledge and background of the development, rules and other important general information of the estate.
Contact Us for expert advice and service.